Use in Biogreen Science Product

PhytoCellTec™ Malus Domestica is a liposomal active ingredient based on stem cells from the Uttwiler Spatlauber apple.

The Apple
The Uttwiler Spatlauber Apple is an old Swiss variety, which is very rare today. It was known for its exceptional capacity to keep for long periods, but gradually lost its popularity to sweet apples because of its bitter taste. As the apple could be stored for a long time without becoming shriveled or losing flavor, it clearly had special ingredients, particularly long-life stem cells. It was precisely these longevity attributes which were of particular intrest to the researchers at Mibelle Biochemistry.

Plant Stem Cells for Skin Stem Cells
The development of the innovative PhytoCellTec™ technology made it possible to grow plant stem cells on a large scale. It also became possible to effectively cultivate rare and endangered plants like the Uttwiler Spatlauber. PhytoCellTec™ made plant stem cells available for cosmetics for the first time.

The Effect
Mibelle Biochemistry was able to show in comprehensive studies that PhytoCellTec™ Malus Domestica, the active ingredient based on apple stem cells, promotes the vitality and longevity of skin stem cells, protects them from damage due to environmental stress, and thus delays the skin aging process.

PhytoCellTecâ„¢ Malus Domestica has opened up entirely new possibilities in the field of cosmetics. Using plant stem cells can slow skin aging by protecting essential skin stem cells, keeping the skin looking youthful longer, and giving it a better and more vital appearance.

Improves the Vitality of Stem Cells
Cultures of epidermal stem cells were treated with different concentrations of PhytoCellTec™ Malus Domestica and their colony-forming efficiency was determined. The investigations showed that PhytoCellTec™ Malus Domestica had a clear, positive effect on stem cell characteristics.

Preserves the Ability to Form New Epidermal tissue
Young, vital epidermal stem cells can form a complete, multi-layer epidermis in laboratory conditions. When this experiment is conducted on older stem cells, these no longer multiply and no epidermis is formed. These stem cells are depleted and have reached the end of their lifecycle. If, however, Malus Domestica stem cell extract is added to cultivate the stem cells, even "old" stem cells can still generate a stratified epidermis. Under the influence of Malus Domestica stem cell extract, the epidermal stem cells retain their vitality longer and are capable of forming new tissue and renewing the skin.
(see chart)

Anti-Wrinkle Effect
The anti-wrinkle effect of PhytoCellTec™ Malus Domestica was studied in a clinical trial with 20 subjects (aged 37 to 64). An emulsion with 2% PhytoCellTec™ Malus Domestica was applied to the crow's feet area over 28 days. The results showed a significant, visible reduction in wrinkles in 100% of the subjects. (see figure)
Source Mibelle Biochemistry