Dr. Richard, Ph. D

“Since there are EVIDENCES and CLINICAL TRIALS for products released by BiogreenScience, I am CONFIDENT in making presentation of the products quality before doctors, professors or anyone”
Dr. Richard, Ph. D – Researcher and Virologist at Biotechlab - Singapore Government.
“FOR THE FIRST TIME I believe and want to market products released by a network company such as BiogreenScience as I have LEARNT the products and I am sure of their quality!”
Lisa dan IMMNUNOLOGY – Jakarta Selatan.
The menstruation has stopped. As I take Apple Stemcell for 5 days, I have very good menstruation and in the following month I have normal menstruation. My 17 year old daughter is troubled with acne. As she takes Apple Stemcell, it is all gone.
Ningsih 31 YEARS OLD
I normally have 3 to 4 days of menstrual period, possibly because of birth control pills. However, I regularly have better menstrual period for up to 7 days as I take BIOGREEN. It is not like previous days
Arie Patra 40 YEARS OLD
I have better sleep, stiffer facial skin and hardly exhausted.
Handar Riawandi 40 YEARS OLD
I've had Apple Stem Cell for +24 days. The very first effect I found is that the blackheads and acne started to disappear within 3-4 days and I had my softer facial and body skin as I had been using the product for 2 weeks. It is quite apparent that the pores on my face got smaller and my facial and body skin were even softer. For acne problem, it is significantly decreased. In my opinion, this is a really good product, that it is able to regenerate dormant cells and activate any inactive cells. One more thing. There is a good impact on my eyes that any little fonts or words got blurred as I read them, but as I consume Apple Stem Cell, there is a significant change that I can read any little writing.That's all of my experience. May success be upon you. Just join right now.
HI. Aksar Misi 42 YEARS OLD
My facial skin feels soft and real as I touch it. For acne problem, just smear it and the acne will break out. The point is that, starting the 11th day, the skin looks bright, that is why I am quite sure of this product and I take seriously this product of BIOGREEN.
Gunawan -
Facial skin got lighter
Suno -
My skin was oily previously. However, as I consume Apple Stem Cell, the oil gets decreased and the acne disappears and my face looks lighter.
Sandy Lie -
I have consumed Apple Stem Cell for 3 days. The oil content on my face decreases much. As I consume Apple Stem Cell, it results in decreased oil content on my face, the acne gets disappeared and I have lighter facial skin.
Aking -
The acne mark on my face has gone for 70% after I consume Apple Stem Cell.
Billy Huang -
My face looks cleaner and lighter.
Raymond Susilo -
The sour taste of Apple Stem Cell will not put an effect on patients with gastric complaint. My wife and I have proven that. I had severe pain on my throat 3 days ago that it hurt to swallow even I had high fever. I woke at 3 am and took 1 pack of Apple Stem Cell. The following morning, the fever had gone and the pain while swallowing got decreased, and I was totally relieved yesterday.
Hanny -
My rough, cracked heels have been soft after 4 days.
Lax -
I was actually not aware of what change has been made after consuming Apple Stem Cell, until a friend posted her previously cracked heels that have become soft on a whatsapp group. Seeing the picture, I immediately observed my heels that have the same problem, cracks. It is actually true! My heels are soft now. Thanks Biogreen.
Santy -
I have consumed Apple Stem Cell. After one week of consuming, I feel my softer face and neck with smaller pores.
Melly -
After consuming Apple Stem Cell, I have 5-7 days of normal menstruation, while it was not as normal as recently. In addition, it likely improves body metabolism.
Hans -
A 9 year old child had high fever. Even after seeing Doctor for four days, the fever had not gone. When I visited his parents, I gave him Apple Stem Cell and it was miraculous that the fever got decreased not more than 15 minutes.
Hariyanto -
Biogreen increases body immunity, thus it is quite helpful to speed up the recovery for ones suffering viral hemorrhagic fever.
Mrs. Widi -
Just a month ago, I found the info on social media about Apple Stem Cells from Biogreen. I then got informed by the leader of Biogreen concerning the benefits of this product, but there was no interest in this product yet. I didn't know why I all of a sudden decided to try this product two weeks ago. I prayed to God in my heart that this product would not disappoint me. When I suffered inflammation, I decided to take 1 sachet of Apple Stem Cell, and thanks to God my condition of inflammation got better. I took other sachets until I found this morning that the itchiness on my neck decreased much.
Novi -
As having dinner after fasting the previous day, I tried 1 sachet of Apple Stem Cell. I usually felt pain throughout the body before going sleeping and I had insomnia. However, after consuming Apple Steam Cell, I feel refreshed and I sleep well and pain on my body has gone. In addition, my tonsil has been recovered.
Herlina -
I did not have any problem with my facial skin before. However, after examining thoroughly, my facial skin looks softer and more elastic after consuming the product.
Customer -
I have been consuming Apple Stem Cell for only one week, and it is unfortunate that I have chronic acne problem on my back. Forgetting to take a shoot, I was relieved that my friend at gym said that the acne on my back had been decreased.
Daddy -
Previously, I had my blood sugar of 598 and lost 12 kg of weight within 4 months. However, after I consume Biogreen for 2 months, 2 sachets daily, I have my stable blood sugar and body weight, lighter skin, brighter eyes and emerging black hair.
Acing -
Acne got disappeared
Jutin Chandra -
When applied on bag under right eye, it looks different from the left one within 5 minutes. When it comes to pain and acne problems during menstrual period, I feel no longer pain, while for acne, there is a little problem but much lower than usual.
Gina Metty -
I have had good sleep for 2 days, but it was previously hard for me to go sleeping. I don't know whether it is because of being exhausted or Apple Stem Cell.
Ibu Tika -
My face looks light although I do not use night cream anymore. In addition, I have more power to work out at gym, while the appetite also gets stronger.
Aci -
After taking Apple Stem Cell, the pain during menstrual period has gone and severe acne during this period also does not come anymore. Moreover, after consuming 2 boxes of Apple Stem Cell, the result is very fantastic. I get my very smooth facial skin and I have no more acne.
Endah -
The skin looks lighter, frown lines have gone and facial skin gets tight and is not sagging. Some say I am 40. They say that I am really younger and more beautiful.
Elisabeth Jani -
After consuming, it is real that my skin gets smoother and the wrinkles on my hands have gone.
Maditjia -
I was initially not sure, but after many friends of mine said my face was cleaner, I got to believe in it. This is really good.
Rina Lai -
I have personally tried various oral products, even vitamin injection promising to lighten and smoothen the skin. However, the result is not better than that of Biogreen.
Yusan -
Biogreen is really good. I have consumed for only 2 weeks, and the wrinkles on my eyelids have gone because the collagen in it works well.
Melly Fang -
Amazingly, two days after consuming while my acne was as big as "mount Merapi", the acne has dried and I do not use medical drugs anymore.
Jansen -
I usually had to use 3 sheets of dress while sleeping even though without air conditioning turned on and I suffered rheumatic on my arms, but now I do not feel that anymore.
Mama Anita Liu -
After consuming Biogreen, my mom is not afraid of cold environment anymore. She does not suffer rheumatic on her arms anymore.
Tante Rossi -
I have felt the difference after consuming Biogreen, I have got my lighter skin, whereas it was hot yesterday in China. Filler is injected into my face and it is even better to use Gluta and Apple. The black spots on my face have faded. The skin gets moist and is not dried.
David -
After consuming one box of Apple Stem Cell, I have my nice and bright face now.
Pak Haryanto -
I am 63 years old. Regularly consuming Apple Stem Cell of Biogreen will treat the wrinkled and dry skin, remove the black and white spots and grow your black hair as fast as possible.
Yenny -
Before I consume Gluta, it is hard for me to defecate. However, it gets normal after I consume Gluta.
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