Dr. Fred Zülli
Job Title
Managing Director of Mibelle Biochemistry Switzerland

Company Name
Mibelle Biochemistry

Dr. Fred Zülli is the Managing Director of Mibelle Biochemistry Switzerland, a profit centre of Mibelle Group.

He founded Mibelle Biochemistry 22 years ago and invented a large number of patent protected actives based on different technologies.

Dr. Zülli previously worked at the Nestle Research Centre in Switzerland. His research focused on molecular biology and genetics of commercial bakers' yeast strains.

Dr. Fred Zulli studied chemical engineering at the Technical Engineering School of Winterthur Switzerland and continued his studies at the ETH in Zurich to study molecular biology and biophysics. In his Ph.D. thesis at the ETH he investigated the thermostability of bacterial enzymes.

Source Mibelle Biochemistry