The Benefits of the Bio SC Face & Eye Serum
• Protects longevity skin stem cells against UV stress
• Delays senescence of essential cells
• Fights photo-aging
• Pronotes vital and healthy-looking skin
• Combats chronical aging
• Protects against skin protein oxidation
• Restores skin's resilience
• Reduces herpes occurence
• Protects and activates longevity factors in skin cells
• Rejuvenates and protects skin at a cellular level
• Safeguards skin's youthfulness by activating Klotho
• Strengthens cellular defense mechanisms through calorie restriction mimetic activity
• Reinforces, smoothes and hydrates the skin

PhytoCellTecâ„¢ Malus Domestica (Apple Stem Cell)

The Apple
The Uttwiler Spatlauber Apple is an old Swiss variety, which is very rare today. It was known for its exceptional capacity to keep for long periods, but gradually lost its popularity to sweet apples because of its bitter taste. As the apple could be stored for a long time without becoming shriveled or losing flavor, it clearly had special ingredients, particularly long-life stem cells. It was precisely these longevity attributes which were of particular intrest to the researchers at Mibelle Biochemistry.

Plant Stem Cells for Skin Stem Cells
The development of the innovative PhytoCellTec™ technology made it possible to grow plant stem cells on a large scale. It also became possible to effectively cultivate rare and endangered plants like the Uttwiler Spatlauber. PhytoCellTec™ made plant stem cells available for cosmetics for the first time.

The Effect
Mibelle Biochemistry was able to show in comprehensive studies that PhytoCellTec™ Malus Domestica, the active ingredient based on apple stem cells, promotes the vitality and longevity of skin stem cells, protects them from damage due to environmental stress, and thus delays the skin aging process.

PhytoCellTec™ Malus Domestica has opened up entirely new possibilities in the field of cosmetics. Using plant stem cells can slow skin aging by protecting essential skin stem cells, keeping the skin looking youthful longer, and giving it a better and more vital appearance.

PhytoCellTecâ„¢ Solar Vitis (Grape Stem Cell)

PhytoCellTec™ Solar Vitis is based on stem cells from the Gamay Teinturier Freaux grape - a grape from Burgundy, which is characterised by an extremely high content of polyphenols for UV protection.

Extensive studies have shown that PhytoCellTec™ Solar Vitis reliably protects epidermal stem cells from UV stress and thus from skin aging caused by light. PhytoCellTec™ Solar Vitis increases the vitality and efficiency of all essential skin cells and improves the skin's resilience.

The use of plant stem cells protects the most important skin cells, namely its stem cells, thus delaying skin aging. PhytoCellTec™ Solar Vitis protects the skin from chronical and light-induced aging, extending skin cells' vitality and keeping the skin's appearance young and beautiful longer.

PhytoCellTec™ Argan

PhyoCellTec™ Argan was developed to improve the regenerative capacity of dermal stem cells thereby achieving deep-seated rejuventation of the skin. This active ingredient is based on stem cells of the Argan tree, one of the oldest tree species in the world. The argan tree is indigenous to the arid southwest of Morocco and has adapted perfecty to intense drought and etremely high temperatures, which are typical in this region. Unfortunately, the Argan tree population has shrunk dramatically due to extensive cultivation of the land, so that nowadays the remaining Argan forests are under the protection of UNESCO.

Alp Rose Stemcell

PhytoCellTec™ Alp Rose is a cosmetic ingredient based on the stem cells of alpine rose leaves.

The Alpine rose
The alpine rose is a typical Swiss flowering plant from the Alps. It has bright pink blossoms and grows at altitudes up to 3200 m. Its evergreen leaves are especially resistant to high UV radiation and extreme dryness and cold. The sturdy leaves are a shiny green, even once the snow has melted in the spring. This phenomenon is due to the presence of a special protection protein called dehydrin in the leaves of the alpine rose.

Plant Stem Cells for Skin Stem Cells
For years researchers at Mibelle Biochemistry have investigated the compounds of the alpine rose and its special protective substances, in particular, the water-retaining dehydrin. The innovative PhytoCellTec™ technology has been used to develop a formula from the leaves stem cells that treats dry and stressed skin and has been proven to protect skin cells: PhytoCellTec™ Alp Rose.

The Effect
Mibelle Biochemistry was able to show in extensive studies that PhytoCellTec™ Alp Rose promotes the vitality and longevity of skin stem cells. It strengthens the skin barrier, providing better protection to the skin against climate-induced stress.

The effect of PhytoCellTec™ Alp Rose combines two important approaches. Using plant stem cells delays skin aging by protecting vital skin stem cells, keeping the skin looking youthful longer, and giving it a better and more vital appearance. At the same time, PhytoCellTec™ Alp Rose protects the skin using special protective ingredients from this extremely resistant alpine plant.

Snow Algae Powder

Wins the highly regarded industry award, the "European Cosmetics Innovation Prize", in the category "Active ingredients", this time for its latest anti-ageing ingredient "Snow Algae Powder".

Key to Skin's Longevity
Snow Algae Powder is based on the extract of a unique algae that is able to grow on glaciers and permanent snow. In these extreme environmental conditions the algae produces valuable stress response molecules.

Snow Algae Powder stimulates the longevity gene Klotho and activates AMPK, a master sensor of cell energy. Thus, a calorie restriction-mimetic anti-aging effect can be achieved in the skin for the very first time.

Extensive studies have shown that PhytoCellTec™ Solar Vitis reliably protects epidermal stem cells from UV stress and thus from skin aging caused by light. PhytoCellTec™ Solar Vitis increases the vitality and efficiency of all essential skin cells and improves the skin's resistance.

The use of plant stem cells protects the most important skin cells, namely its stem cells, thus delaying skin aging. PhytoCellTec™ Solar Vitis protects the skin from chronological and light-induced aging, extending skin cells' vitality and keeping the skin's appearance young and beautiful longer.


Cell2cell Communication for Skin Matrix Repair
DermCom is based on a Crocus chrysanthus bulb extract. It can reverse the aging process by stimulating the communication between skin cells. DermCom induces in keratinocytes the secretion of growth factors that enhance the synthesis of collagen and elastin in the dermis. It thus rejuvenates the skin matrix thanks to its growth factor activity.

Awarded 3 international prizes for innovation
In 2012, this highly effective raw material managed a podium position at not one, but 3 international innovation prize awards. The "Innovation Award for Best Ingredient" is presented twice a year at the two in-cosmetics trade fairs, once in Europe and once in Asia. They are the most important raw material trade fairs for the cosmetics industry. The BSB Award is another renowned innovation prize event in this industry sector. At all 3 events, DermCom was awarded silver for its innovative concept and its convincing proof of efficacy.

Four time innovation prize winner:
• Innovation Zone Best Ingredient Award in-cosmetics Europe
• Innovation Zone Best Ingredient Award in-cosmetics Asia
• BSB Innovation Prize
• CPCIA Personal Care Ingredients