These Terms and Conditions, in their present form and as amended at the sole discretion of BioGreenScience.com. (hereafter "BioGreen Science" or the "Company"), are incorporated into, and form an integral part of, the BioGreen Science Member Agreement. Throughout these Terms and Conditions, when the term "Agreement" is used, it collectively refers to the BioGreen Science Independent Member Application and Agreement, the BioGreen Science Policies and Procedures, the BioGreen Science Marketing and Compensation Plan Document, and the BioGreen Science Business Entity Application (if applicable).

These documents are incorporated by reference into the BioGreen Science Independent Member Agreement (all in their current form and as amended by BioGreen Science). It is the responsibility of each Member to read, understand, adhere to, and ensure that he or she is aware of and operating under the most current version of the Agreement.

It is your duty and responsibility to be familiar with your rights and obligations under these Terms and Conditions.

These Terms and Conditions disclose policies that relate to your enrollment. The entire Agreement governs the manner in which you transact your business with BioGreen Science and conduct your business as an independent Member. It also governs the manner in which you conduct your BioGreen Science business in relationship to your personal business prospects, downline organization, personal customer prospects and personal customers. BioGreen Science reserves the right to change, at its discretion, any of these Terms and Conditions to accommodate evolving business needs. It is your responsibility to read them periodically to stay abreast of any such changes.

Please read these terms and conditions carefully. By accessing the website, logging into your CyberOffice or accepting commissions you agree to be bound by the following Terms and Conditions and the entire Agreement. If you do not accept any of these Terms and Conditions, in whole or in part, you must immediately terminate your business relationship with BioGreen Science.
1. Becoming an BioGreen Science Member

A. Submit a properly completed Member Application and Agreement to BioGreen Science either in hard copy or online format;

B. Submit an IRS form W-9.

C. Any person of legal age in their country (or 18 years old and above) can be an BioGreen Science Member. BioGreen Science reserves the right to accept or reject any Member Application without providing explanation or reason. BioGreen Science also reserves the right not to entertain any appeal in cases of rejection.

D. Upon confirmation as an BioGreen Science Member, a person shall not act as an authorized representative, agent, partner, joint venture participant or employee of BioGreen Science in any transaction, nor have any expressed, implied or extensible authority to bind or make any expressed or implied representation or warranty on behalf of the Company, without its expressed written consent.

E. BioGreen Science Members are authorized to purchase products from BioGreen Science and refer new Members or Customers to BioGreen Science in accordance with the Agreement.

F. BioGreen Science Members are eligible to receive commissions and/or bonuses in accordance with the BioGreen Science Compensation Plan as expressed in company literature. Members are responsible for paying all taxes, tariffs, shipping and brokerage fees applicable in their respective locales.

G. To qualify to enroll as a Member in the United States, the enrolling Member must reside in the United States or U.S. Territories and have a valid Social Security Number or Federal Tax ID number.

H. A Member may enroll as an individual or as a Corporate entity.

I. No person shall be allowed to have more than one Member account with BioGreen Science.
2. Member Benefits
Once a Member Application and Agreement has been accepted by BioGreen Science, the benefits of the Marketing and Compensation Plan and the Member Agreement are available to the new Member. These benefits include the right to:

+ Sell BioGreen Science products and services and develop a personal retail sales customer;
+ Participate in the BioGreen Science Marketing and Compensation Plan (receive bonuses and commissions, if eligible);
+ Enroll Preferred Customers or sponsor other individuals as Members into the BioGreen Science business and thereby, build a marketing organization and progress through the BioGreen Science Marketing and Compensation Plan;
+ Receive periodic BioGreen Science literature and other BioGreen Science communications;
+ Participate in BioGreen Science-sponsored support, service, training, motivational and recognition functions, upon payment of appropriate charges, if applicable; and
+ Participate in promotional and incentive contests and programs sponsored by BioGreen Science for its Members.

3. Commission Adjustments
On all orders returned, any commissions earned will be deducted. This "claw back" of commissions is not limited to sponsors only but also to commissions that were paid out as part of the Team Generation Bonus for all generations that were affected by the sale and subsequent enrollment cancellation or product return. If the commissions have already been paid, the value of those commissions will be deducted from the Member's next commission release.

4. Terminated Members
Members who are terminated for violations of these Policies and Procedures are not eligible for a refund under this policy.

5. Online Payment Gateway Chargebacks and Disputes
BioGreen Science may choose to assess this fee from any unreleased commissions on the Member's account.

If a Member initiates a chargeback, their account will be frozen and they will be ineligible to acquire new commissions until the account is unfrozen. The account will remain frozen until such time as the Member rescinds the chargeback.

6. Exclusive Rights
These Terms and Conditions, and Policies and Procedures, constitute the entire understanding of the parties with respect to the subject matter. They may be amended from time to time as the Company deems appropriate and reasonable. The list of Members sponsored to BioGreen Science shall constitute commercially advantageous proprietary assets and trade secrets of BioGreen Science, which the Company has agreed to hold confidential. Whereas BioGreen Science owns the Members list and the business opportunity attendant upon it, the Company also reserves the right to work independently with any Members and may use its list at its discretion.

7. Waiver
BioGreen Science reserves its right to insist on compliance with these Terms and Conditions, or with any applicable laws governing the conduct of business in the respective countries. Any failure by the Company to exercise any rights stated in these Terms and Conditions, or any failure to insist upon strict compliance, shall not constitute a waiver of BioGreen Science's right to demand exact compliance therewith.

It shall constitute an integral part of these Terms and Conditions any Regulation, Instruction, Condition and/or Policies including, Direct Purchase Bonus, New Business Startup, Incentive policy issued by BioGreen Science or that which may be issued/amended from time to time in BioGreen Science's website, releases, bulletins and/or any other publication thereof.

Any waiver by BioGreen Science can only be effected in contracts or agreements specified in writing by an authorized BioGreen Science officer